Course curriculum

    1. Begin Here!

    2. Welcome To Nectar!

    3. Program & Community Guidelines

    4. Call Links & Schedule

    1. What Is The Receiving Wound?

    2. Your Nervous System + Expanding Your Receiving Paradigm

    3. Explanation of Visuals on the Nervous System

    4. Your Nervous System & Receiving

    5. Your Nervous System = Your Energy Diagram

    1. 📝 Weekly Journal Prompts

    2. A New Receiving Paradigm and Setting The Container

    3. Awakening A New Receiving Paradigm Meditation

    4. Opening Your Receiving Paradigm - Journal Prompts

    1. 📝 Weekly Journal Prompts

    2. Body Attunement and Cultivating Resonance: VIDEO

    3. Body Resonance Meditation Practice

    4. Desire, Pleasure and The Felt Sense: VIDEO

    5. Cosmic Egg Meditation Practice: Claiming Your Desires

    6. Pleasure List

    7. Your Nervous System Upper Limit and The Pleasure Edge: VIDEO

    8. Finding Your Pleasure/Desire Edge (VIDEO)

    9. Body Resonance and Claiming Your Desires - Journal Prompts

    10. 📝 Pleasure Inventory

    11. Somatic Practice to Anchor Expansion (Tapping)

    1. 📝 Weekly Journal Prompts

    2. Reweaving Your Money Patterns: VIDEO

    3. Money Patterns And Activating Receiving With Money- Journal Prompts

    4. Money Is My Honey Meditation

    5. Money Inventory Explanation: VIDEO

    6. 📝 Money Inventory

    7. Activating Your New Receiving Paradigm: VIDEO

    8. 📝 Money Activation

    9. Money Felt Sense Activation Meditation

    10. Determining Your Money Receiving Amount In Resonance With Your Nervous System

    1. Nervous System Grounding

    2. Containment Meditation

    3. Expansion Calibration

About this course

  • Free
  • 122 lessons
  • 36.5 hours of video content